Spaghetti Dinner Time!
It’s time for our Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser – February 25 from 5:00 – 7:00pm.
We invite you to enjoy an authentic Italian meal that benefits our girls. Thank you!
Donate Today!
Buffalo Girlchoir appreciates the support of our generous donors.
We invite you to consider a donation in any amount to help us share our voices and expand our programs. Thank you!
Celebrate Our Song!
Another way to support our voices is to celebrate our song by purchasing our original books and CD. Thank you for your support!
Give & Receive
Get our book, “I Wonder Why”, with a $10 donation! Donate below.

Original CD!
Purchase our “Sing A Song of Childhood” CD Booklet for $5!

Now Available!
Our new book, “This Little Light of Mine”, is available for purchase for $10!

Thank you!
Thank you to our donors who make sure that every girl who loves to sing can learn to sing.
Anonymous (2)
Jennifer Barbee
*Karen Barbee
*Monica & Ben Bassett
Maryl Bedenko
Dale Boyd
Mary Bulluck
Brendan Burke & Meredith Roberts
James Burritt & Carrie Magin
Eleanor Carter & Thor Vandehei
Jenna Colerick
Julia Cordani
Michael Dean
*Karen Dearing
Nick and Miranda DelBello
Samantha and Michael DeMart
Heather DiDomenico
Lydia Evans
William & Concetta Ferguson
Dawn & John Fischer
Jack Fischer
Katherine Flentge
David & Chelsea Frieder
Beth Ann Fullager
Amy Glidden
Maria Halt
Sarah Ham
Kaitlin Hamilton
Melissa Mroziak Hartwick
Patricia Hills
Grace Jaworski
Benoy and Suzanne Joseph
Jeannine and Dinesh Joseph
Margaret Kaine
Mary Keough
Debra Klein
Marney Klein
Vera and David Kozak
Katie Kraft
Danielle LaMarre Smith
Emily Luchterhand
Beth MacKay
Lauren Makeyenko
*Zinta and Vidis Malejs
David Mann & Jessica Pirro
Lynne Meluch
Nicole Morris Johnson
Matt Mowrey
Phyllis Newman
Lori Nurkin
Anthony O’Rourke
Sonja Pavlesen-Zutic
*Marsha Pendley
Anthony Pitness
Larissa Prawak
Cheryl Raczyk
Gail and Joseph Rinderknecht
Kim Roaldi
*Mary Roaldi
Roaldi Family
D. Charles & Rachel Roberts
Amelia & Chris Scinta
Kristina Seifert
Katherine Selig
Tim Socha
Cindy Stone
Megan Szeliga
Megan Tracy
Paul Waara
Dawn Warsaw
*Nancy Watts
David Wert
Melissa Wozniak
Valerie & Michael Wurst
*Grandparent Society
In Kind:
Vera Kozak
the Wurst Family
Secret Valley Media Labs
Thank you to our corporate/organizational supporters.